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I'm giving away my VERY FIRST blog candy for reaching 10,000 hits. For a chance to win, all you need to do is leave a comment telling me about your favorite Halloween. Doesn't matter if it was from when you were a kid or as an adult. I'll do the drawing on Friday the 19th using Good luck everyone. :)

my favorite halloween was when kyle was a baby, his very first one was amazing. ally, kyle and i all dressed as a pumpkin, we went to the fall festival at our church. Kyle got to do the cake walk with a cousin and he finially one and was like what! he didnt understand but i loved it! that is the best one so far! but this one might top all of them, i have all three of my kids and they are all healthy!
Thanx for the chance at some yummy candy!! :) My fav memory has to be when I was a kid running through the haunted houses with my friends!! We'd scare each other so much before we even got in and then scream all the way through and laugh our heads off when we got done! be a kid again! :)
my favorite Halloween was last year. Adrienne actually 'got' what we were doing. See was Cinderella - and beautiful.
My DH was working out of town in a place called Venice, FL. It's a quaint little town with an old fashioned "downtown" area. Well on Halloween, all of the shop owners closed early and they had a parade (which was the HS band and a very old firetruck...still cute) and then we walked thru downtown to every little shop and they handed out candy! After that we went on a hayride thru town and then played some games at a church carnival. It was the best Halloween thus far!
I love the year we made my daughter's halloween costume. i think she was about 7 and we dressed her in a purple sweatsuit and pinned on tons of purple balloons and on her head was some silk leaves. She was a bunch of grapes. It was darling!
You have a great blog. My favorite Halloween is every Halloween. I just love the smells in the air of pumpkins with candles in them, the leaves, the crisp air, the excitement of all the kids. It's such a fun time.
My favorite Halloween was a few years ago. I spent it with some friends and we decorated their home and spent quality time together. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favoite Halloween is every year. It is my most favorite holiday.. I love decorating my house... :)
Congrats on your hits. Great blog!
I love halloween when my kids were little and we made customers and I tried every year to do the halloween parties at school. I had a blast doing all of the games and my kids had fun helping. Thanks for a chance.
My favorite Halloween was when my eldest son was like 3 or 4 and it SNOWED - ALOT!! Instead of walking the neighborhood, we opted for the mall. He still got buckets of candy!
Thanks for the blog candy!!!
My favorite Halloween was last year, because I got to take my daughter out for the first time trick or treating. She was so cute and did a great job. She was so proud of her goodies that she got too! Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
Ooh, nice candy! My favorite Halloween was when I was in college and a bunch of friends and I drove to Salem, MA to hang out. It really was creepy and fun and easy to get caught up in the festivities!
Oh I love Halloween all around!!! My favorite Halloween was when I got to go trick-or-treating in the country with a friend. I don't remember how old I was at the time. We lived in a small community of 200 people and this particular year we got to go into the country. Let me tell you, the candy in the country is better than in town. The give out handfuls of regular sized chocolate bars, not the treat sized ones, but the big ones. And not just one, but 2 or three. It was like winning the candy lottery.
Every Halloween is a favorite for me as my birthday is just a few days before but one of the most fondest memories is when my sister and cousin made costumes from grain bags - sounds weird I know - but we made skirts and vests and a hair band that was accented by colorful feathers. Oh those were the days! Great blog candy!
hmm... i don't really celebrate halloween... but my parent's anniversary is oct. 30th so it's always great to celebrate that with them. :)
My favorite Halloween was last year, it was the first time we carved pumpkins with our kids. My husband and I dressed up and went trick-or-treating. Then we all went out for super. Thanks for the chance!
My favorite halloween is the last one I spent with my brother before I got married. I used to push him in his wheel chair to the houses and if he could not get close, I passed his bag up. One year someone stole his bag and the whole neighborhood brought him stuff. I imagine Halloween on the other side is glorious, ya think.
My favorite one was when my daughter was about 5 years old & we took her to the pumpkin patch for the 1st time. She had such a fun time. She was dressed as an M&M.
Favorite was when the kids were mickey and minnie mouse. my son sat down on someone's steps and asked his little sister which candy she wanted to eat; then he proceeded to dig through until he got what she wanted and opened it for her.
Each halloween continues to be my favorite thru the eyes of my children.
In retrospect, my favorite Halloween was when 3 friends and I got "arrested" when we were 12 or 13. We had just tp'd a teacher's house when the police drove by and caught us. We were taken to the police station, where we sat with several others who'd been caught in various acts. We were scared, but soon got to laughing and joking amongst ourselves. It wasn't so funny after my dad arrived to pick me up, though. It was the last time I was allowed out on Halloween. I had to stay home and give out candy after that. My friends and I still talk about it.
My favorite was a couple of years ago when we were living in a little town in Kentucky. That was the night my (then 22month old daughter) fell in love. It was a little boy dressed in the big furry Elmo costume and Abby followed him around our neighborhood periodically running up to hug him!! :) I think she scared him!!
My favorite Halloween had to be in 2006. It was my daughters first halloween and she was a witch. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and sharing that day with her made it even more special.
I guess my favorite was the my daughter's first Trick or Treating experience. Try to explain to a very small child that she has to go to each house and back to her own before eating the candy was a little too much. She wanted to stop after each house and eat all the candy. On just a little bit of a sugar high, it took us about 2 hrs to go through maybe 30 homes. A long but educational night for my husband and myself.
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